What are you doing here?
you (informal, as opposed to courteous 您[nin2])

= + : Nefertiti and Rosa Luxemburg are sending you a peace dove inside the space station.
to come / to arrive / to come round / ever since / next

= + : Mnemonic symbol: mailwoman. Sir Lancelot (l) is visiting the mailwoman (來) in the airplane's kitchen (ai2). As a gift, he brought a Christmas tree (木) decorated with rubber chicken (从).

= + : Mnemonic symbol: mailwoman. Lancelot (l) is super happy that his inflatable crocodile (丷) and live size Ai Weiwei (未) puppet finally arrived (来). The mailwoman (来) delivered them straight to the kitchen of the airplane (ai2).
this / these

= + : These boots are made for walking! The King of Chu cannot get his boots off in the space station. First he tries with the help of a large ladle, then he switches to a big barrier, which finally works.
this; these
surname He
what / how / why / which / carry

= + : Mnemonic symbol (from "carry"): baby sling

= + : In the elevator's kitchen, Rosa Luxemburg picks up the crying baby Hamlet from his bed of nails, puts him in his baby sling and tries to calm him down.
matter / thing / item / work / affair / CL:件[jian4],樁|桩[zhuang1],回[hui2]

= 𠮛 + + : Mnemonic symbol: The thing.

= 𠮛 + + : Sherlock Holmes read a magic scroll in the bathroom of the space station. The scroll promised eternal love to anyone who reads it and wears a pig's nose while doing so, and Sherlock gave it a try. Now he summoned the thing, and he is scared to death! All he has to defend with is a crowbar. However, he never was in danger: Since he is wearing the pig snout, the thing thinks Sherlock is his mommy, and it just wants to cuddle.