old variant of 柿[shi4]

= + : Sherlock Holmes (sh) runs a convenience store (市) in the space station's bathroom (Ø4). He sells Christmas trees (木) and persimmons (柿).

= + : Sherlock Holmes (sh) runs a convenience store (市) in the space station's bathroom (Ø4). He sells Christmas trees (木) and persimmons (柿).

柿 character breakdown

market / city / CL:個|个[ge4]

= + : Mnemonic symbol: a supermarket.

Sherlock Holmes (sh) started a supermarket (市) in the space station's bathroom (Ø4), but all he has for sale right now are berets (亠) and towels (巾). He should have opened it at the beach!
surname Mu
(bound form) tree / (bound form) wood / unresponsive; numb; wooden

= + : Mnemonic symbol: a Christmas tree.

Malte Monkey (mu) is setting up a Christmas tree (木) in the bathroom of the space station (Ø4). He decorates the tree with eight-balls (八) and puts a holy cross (十) at the top of the tree.

Characters with 柿 as component

柿 is not used as a component in another character.

Words with 柿

tomato / CL:隻|只[zhi1]
persimmon / CL:個|个[ge4]
bell pepper, aka sweet pepper
(coll.) pushover / soft touch
lit. it's the soft persimmons that people choose to squeeze (idiom) / fig. it's the weak (i.e. 軟柿子|软柿子[ruan3 shi4 zi5]) who get picked on / bullies pick soft targets
dried persimmon

Sentences with 柿

柿 currently does not appear in any sentence.