
Chinese-style sedan chair
a kind of sedan chair, usu. made of bamboo and mounted on a pair of long bamboo poles

Characters and words in 滑竿

surname Hua

= + : Helga Horse (hu) is haunted by a skeleton (骨) in the ashram's kitchen (a2). Panicking she throws a water bottle (氵) at it, but it falls down just in front of its bony feet. As the skeleton wants to approach Helga it slips (滑) on the bottle, falls down and shatters to pieces. Helga wants to run out of the room as fast as possible, but she slips (滑) on the many smooth (滑) bones and falls down, too.
to slip; to slide / slippery; smooth / sly; slippery; not to be trusted

= + : Helga Horse (hu) is haunted by a skeleton (骨) in the ashram's kitchen (a2). Panicking she throws a water bottle (氵) at it, but it falls down just in front of its bony feet. As the skeleton wants to approach Helga it slips (滑) on the bottle, falls down and shatters to pieces. Helga wants to run out of the room as fast as possible, but she slips (滑) on the many smooth (滑) bones and falls down, too.

Words with 滑竿

滑竿 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 滑竿

滑竿 currently does not appear in any sentence.