
to abscond / to slink off

Characters and words in 潛逃

hidden / secret / latent / to hide / to conceal / to submerge / to dive

= + : The Queen of Hearts (qi) emptied her water bottle (氵) and is aiming to replenish (替) it in the anthill's kitchen (an2). Secretly (潜) she fills her water bottle by submerging (潜) it in a big water-filled flower pot.
to escape / to run away / to flee

= + : A vulture (兆) is escaping (逃) with Tecumseh's (t) new gladiator sandals (辶) through the aorta's kitchen (ao2).

Words with 潛逃

to abscond without leaving a trace (idiom)
to flee to escape punishment / to abscond from justice

Sentences with 潛逃

潛逃 currently does not appear in any sentence.