
stupid / foolish

Characters and words in 痴傻

imbecile / sentimental / stupid / foolish / silly
variant of 痴[chi1]

= + + + + + : Rosa Luxemburg (亻) got a job as tester for pliers (乂), and she got a whole box (囗) of pliers (乂) delivered into the ashram (a3) a few days ago. She had to test the pliers on eight-balls (八), crushing them. But one day she found that Sherlock Holmes (sh) tried to steal her high heels (夂). Rosa was furious! She was so furious that Sherlock Holmes would do anything to calm her down. Since then he has ever been testing the pliers, while Rosa makes herself comfortable on a big, soft petal leaf (丶) wearing her high heels and overseeing the work done. Sherlock asks himself again and again how he could have been so foolish (傻).

Words with 痴傻

痴傻 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 痴傻

痴傻 currently does not appear in any sentence.