
brief and to the point (idiom) / succinct

Characters and words in 簡明扼要

simple / uncomplicated / letter / to choose / to select / bamboo strips used for writing (old)

= + : Joan of Arc is working out inside of the anthill. She put up a changing cubicle and on top of it a bamboo stick so that she can practise pull ups. It's very easy for her to do 20 pull ups in a row.
simple and clear / concise
Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) / surname Ming / Ming (c. 2000 BC), fourth of the legendary Flame Emperors, 炎帝[Yan2 di4] descended from Shennong 神農|神农[Shen2 nong2] Farmer God

= + : A searchlight. Together with the moon, Marilyn Monroe is looking for the sun just inside the engine's kitchen. To make the search easier they use a searchlight.
bright / opposite: dark 暗[an4] / (of meaning) clear / to understand / next / public or open / wise / generic term for a sacrifice to the gods

= + : A searchlight. Together with the moon, Marilyn Monroe is looking for the sun just inside the engine's kitchen. To make the search easier they use a searchlight.
to grip forcefully / to clutch at / to guard / to control / to hold
variant of 扼[e4]
to the point / concise
to demand / to request / to coerce
important / vital / to want / to ask for / will / going to (as future auxiliary) / may / must / (used in a comparison) must be / probably / if

= + : Bessie Coleman shows Maud Younger how to use a knuckle duster in the aorta's bathroom. She says it's very important and that Maud will have to get one herself.
(bound form) to demand; to coerce
to want; to need; to ask for / will; shall; about to / need to; should / if (same as 要是[yao4 shi5]) / (bound form) important

Words with 簡明扼要

簡明扼要 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 簡明扼要

簡明扼要 currently does not appear in any sentence.