
cable ties / zip ties

Characters and words in 扎线带

to prick / to run or stick (a needle etc) into / mug or jug used for serving beer (loanword from "jar")

= + : James II of England (zh) uses a toy claw (扌) to stick (扎) a shovel (乚) into the earth in front of the ashram (a1).
penetrating (as of cold) / struggle
variant of 紮|扎[za1]
variant of 紮|扎[zha1]
to tie / to bind / classifier for flowers, banknotes etc: bundle / Taiwan pr. [zha2]

= + : Zorro (z) unearthed a bundle of flowers in front of the ashram (a1) using a shovel (乚), and now he's binding (扎) them into a bundle using a toy claw (扌).
(of troops) to be stationed (at) / Taiwan pr. [zha2]
used in 挣扎[zheng1 zha2]
variant of 線|线[xian4]

线 = + : Mnemonic symbol: barbed wire.

线 = + : The silk worm wants to use the floating tank in the anthill's bathroom, but there's already Marie Curie inside—and she secured the tank by setting up barbed wire all around it.
thread / string / wire / line / CL:條|条[tiao2],股[gu3],根[gen1] / (after a number) tier (unofficial ranking of a Chinese city)

线 = + : Mnemonic symbol: barbed wire.

线 = + : The silk worm wants to use the floating tank in the anthill's bathroom, but there's already Marie Curie inside—and she secured the tank by setting up barbed wire all around it.
band / belt / girdle / ribbon / tire / area / zone / region / CL:條|条[tiao2] / to wear / to carry / to take along / to bear (i.e. to have) / to lead / to bring / to look after / to raise

= + + : Don Quixote purchased thirty cooking tops in the airplane's bathroom to build new armor out of them. Now the question is: how does he get them home? Finally he has a good idea: He spreads out a towel on the floor, stacks the thirty cooking tops as a pyramid and pulls the towel with a belt. It works! This way he can bring them back to his place.

Words with 扎线带

扎线带 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 扎线带

扎线带 currently does not appear in any sentence.