
to tie up / to bind up / (medicine) to ligate / (of a male) to have a vasectomy (ligation of the vasa deferentia) / (of a female) to have one's tubes tied (tubal ligation)

Characters and words in 結紮

(of a plant) to produce (fruit or seeds) / Taiwan pr. [jie2]
knot / sturdy / bond / to tie / to bind / to check out (of a hotel)

= + : The silk worm and Joan of Arc are in an awkward situation. The giant has pulled the worm so long that she's long enough to tie Joan of Arc to one of the pillars of the elevator's kitchen, and to even make a knot.
to tie / to bind / classifier for flowers, banknotes etc: bundle / Taiwan pr. [zha2]

= + : Zorro (z) unearthed a bundle of flowers in front of the ashram (a1) using a shovel (乚), and now he's binding (扎) them into a bundle using a toy claw (扌).
(of troops) to be stationed (at) / Taiwan pr. [zha2]

Words with 結紮

結紮 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 結紮

結紮 currently does not appear in any sentence.