
barb / barbed tip (e.g. of fishhook)

Characters and words in 倒刺

to fall; to collapse; to lie horizontally / to fail; to go bankrupt / to overthrow / to change (trains or buses) / to move around / to resell at a profit

= + : Rosa Luxemburg (亻) arrived (到) in the aorta (ao3) and is greeted by Don Quixote (d), who, clumsily, topples and falls on to the ground (倒) right before Rosa when he actually wants to hug her.
to invert; to place upside down or frontside back / to pour out / to tip out; to dump / inverted; upside down; reversed / to go backward / contrary to what one might expect; but; yet
(onom.) whoosh
thorn / sting / thrust / to prick / to pierce / to stab / to assassinate / to murder

= + : The King of Chu (c) got a thorn (刺) stuck in his chest, and he cannot pull it out because it broke off and the tip is deep under the skin. He has no other choice but to use a kitchen knife (刂) to cut it out in the space station's bathroom (Ø4), but he slips and accidentally stabs himself (朿).

Words with 倒刺

倒刺 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 倒刺

倒刺 currently does not appear in any sentence.