
Characters and words in 罪疚

guilt / crime / fault / blame / sin

= + : A terrible crime has been committed in the Eiffel Tower's bathroom: Zapatista Zebra lies dead on the floor, trapped in a fishing net. What has happened here? The answer may be saved on a negative which has been left carelessly on the floor. What has been photographed with this negative?
variant of 罪[zui4], crime

= + : A terrible crime has been committed in the Eiffel Tower's bathroom: Zapatista Zebra lies dead on the floor, trapped in a fishing net. What has happened here? The answer may be saved on a negative which has been left carelessly on the floor. What has been photographed with this negative?
chronic disease / guilt / remorse

Words with 罪疚

罪疚 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 罪疚

罪疚 currently does not appear in any sentence.