
Characters and words in 老年性痴獃症

prefix used before the surname of a person or a numeral indicating the order of birth of the children in a family or to indicate affection or familiarity / old (of people) / venerable (person) / experienced / of long standing / always / all the time / of the past / very / outdated / (of meat etc) tough

= + : Lancelot (l) is showing his respect to grandpa (老) in the aorta's living room (ao3). He's bowing deep and offering a crown (⺹), but grandpa refuses by hitting Lancelot on the head with a ladle (匕).
elderly / old age / autumn of one's years
surname Nian
year / CL:個|个[ge4]

= + + : Nefertiti (ni) is having lunch (午) in the anthill's kitchen (an2). Unfortunately they didn't have any cutlery left so she has to use a dinosaur bone (丨) and a flute (一) instead of fork and knife. It will take her a whole year (年) to finish her lunch this way.
grain / harvest (old) / variant of 年[nian2]
nature / character / property / quality / attribute / sexuality / sex / gender / suffix forming adjective from verb / suffix forming noun from adjective, corresponding to -ness or -ity / essence / CL:個|个[ge4]

= + : Marie Curie had a strong character since she was little. Even in her cradle in the engine's bathroom she was only playing with a flail.
imbecile / sentimental / stupid / foolish / silly
variant of 痴[chi1]
imbecility / dementia
variant of 呆[dai1] / foolish / also pr. [ai2]
disease / illness

= + : The stick figure (正) is visiting James II of England (zh) in the engine's bathroom ((e)ng4) to have him investigate his colorful rash (疒). Unfortunately James II of England has to tell him that he has cancer (症).
abdominal tumor / bowel obstruction / (fig.) sticking point

Words with 老年性痴獃症

老年性痴獃症 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 老年性痴獃症

老年性痴獃症 currently does not appear in any sentence.