
Characters and words in 传动机构

to pass on / to spread / to transmit / to infect / to transfer / to circulate / to conduct (electricity)

= + : Rosa Luxemburg volunteered to take part in an experiment conducted by the scientist just inside of the anthill. The scientist wants to find out how fast a chickenpox infection will be transmitted from Chantal Chicken to Rosa Luxemburg.
biography / historical narrative / commentaries / relay station
drive (transmission in an engine)
(of sth) to move / to set in movement / to displace / to touch / to make use of / to stir (emotions) / to alter / abbr. for 動詞|动词[dong4 ci2], verb

= + : Doggy Dog notices a lot of smoke when he enters engine's bathroom. Instead of thinking long, he acts quickly and moves to push the fire alarm button.
motor / locomotive / motive / motivation / intention
motive; motivation
(bound form) machine; mechanism / (bound form) aircraft / (bound form) an opportunity / (bound form) crucial point; pivot / (bound form) quick-witted; flexible / (bound form) organic

= + : Joan of Arc (ji) made a machine (机) that fully automatically manufactures tables (几) out of Christmas trees (木) and tests it in front of the space station (Ø1).
mechanism / structure / organization / agency / institution / CL:所[suo3]
variant of 構|构[gou4] / (Tw) (coll.) variant of 夠|够[gou4] / to reach by stretching

= + : Guy Fawkes (g) wants to measure the crystal structure (构) of the Christmas tree (木) in the outhouse's bathroom (ou4), so he first draws a comic (勾) to find which would be the optimal crystallization superstructure.
to construct / to form / to make up / to compose / literary composition / paper mulberry (Broussonetia papyrifera)

= + : Guy Fawkes (g) wants to measure the crystal structure (构) of the Christmas tree (木) in the outhouse's bathroom (ou4), so he first draws a comic (勾) to find which would be the optimal crystallization superstructure.

Words with 传动机构

传动机构 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 传动机构

传动机构 currently does not appear in any sentence.