
Characters and words in 螺丝钉

spiral shell / snail / conch

= + : Lenny Lemur (lu) is trying to catch a mosquito (虫) in the observatory's kitchen (o2). To this end he attached a conch (螺) to the end of a rope (累) and throws the conch at the mosquito, hoping to catch it inside. After a miss he can just retract the conch with the rope.
silk / thread / trace / (cuisine) shreds or julienne strips / CL:條|条[tiao2] / classifier: a thread (of cloud, smoke etc), a bit, an iota, a hint (of sth) etc

= + : Socrates locked himself out of the space station! To call the other astronauts for help, he attaches some silk cloth to a flute and waves it like a flag.
nail / to follow closely / to keep at sb (to do sth) / variant of 盯[ding1]

= + : Dorothy Gale (di) is eating a quarter of a pizza (丁) in front of the engine ((e)ng1) with a golden harpoon (钅) when she suddenly finds a nail (钉) on the pizza.
to join things together by fixing them in place at one or more points / to nail / to pin / to staple / to sew on

= + : Dorothy Gale (di) uses the nail (钉) she found earlier to nail (钉) her pizza (丁) to the wall of the engine's bathroom ((e)ng4) to serve as warning for other visitors. As a hammer she uses a golden harpoon (钅).

Words with 螺丝钉

a "screw that never rusts" — sb who selflessly and wholeheartedly serves the Communist Party, like Lei Feng 雷鋒|雷锋[Lei2 Feng1], to whom the metaphor is attributed

Sentences with 螺丝钉

螺丝钉 currently does not appear in any sentence.