
Characters and words in 蠢蛋

variant of 蠢[chun3] / stupid

= + : Chantal Chicken (chu) prepared her favorite spring rolls (春) in the encampment ((e)n3). There are at least two mosquito larvae (䖵) wiggling (蠢) clumsily (蠢) inside of the spring rolls.
stupid / sluggish / clumsy / to wiggle (of worms) / to move in a disorderly fashion

= + : Chantal Chicken (chu) prepared her favorite spring rolls (春) in the encampment ((e)n3). There are at least two mosquito larvae (䖵) wiggling (蠢) clumsily (蠢) inside of the spring rolls.
variant of 蜑[Dan4]

= + : Don Quixote (d) is really annoyed by the many mosquitoes (虫) this year. In the anthill's bathroom (an4) he discovers many mosquito eggs (蛋) and angrily tramples on them wearing his gumboots (疋) while the mosquito (虫) parents can only helplessly watch.
egg / CL:個|个[ge4],打[da2] / oval-shaped thing

= + : Don Quixote (d) is really annoyed by the many mosquitoes (虫) this year. In the anthill's bathroom (an4) he discovers many mosquito eggs (蛋) and angrily tramples on them wearing his gumboots (疋) while the mosquito (虫) parents can only helplessly watch.

Words with 蠢蛋

蠢蛋 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 蠢蛋

蠢蛋 currently does not appear in any sentence.