
disabled / maimed / crippled / (of objects) damaged

Characters and words in 傷殘

to injure / injury / wound

= + 𠂉 + : Sherlock Holmes hurt himself when he got struck by one of the traps in front of the anglepod. Luckily Rosa Luxemburg passes by: she has the key to unlock the power button of the trap system and turns it off, so that Sherlock can free himself.
to destroy / to spoil / to ruin / to injure / cruel / oppressive / savage / brutal / incomplete / disabled / to remain / to survive / remnant / surplus

= + : The King of Chu (c) invited the wicked witch (歹) to try his floating tank (戋) in the anthill's kitchen (an2) and without waiting he pushed the wicked witch in and closed the lid. After a while he checked on her and found to only the complete tank, but also the wicked witch absolutely ruined (残).

Words with 傷殘

the injured / wounded personnel

Sentences with 傷殘

傷殘 currently does not appear in any sentence.