
(bird species of China) Sikkim treecreeper (Certhia discolor)

Characters and words in 褐喉旋木雀

brown / gray or dark color / coarse hemp cloth / Taiwan pr. [he2]
throat / larynx

= + : The marquis (侯) gets a mandarin (口) stuck in his throat (喉) in the outhouse (ou2), but fortunately Hamlet (h) quickly performs the Heimlich maneuver on him.
to revolve / a loop / a circle

= + 𠂉 + : Mnemonic symbol: a whirlwind.

Xu Xian (xu) is delivering packets in the anthill's kitchen (an2). First he has to disable the alarm, so he uses the key (𠂉) to open a square (方) and pushes the button. Next he whirls around the room delivering his packets so quickly that he creates a whirlwind (旋), which is so fierce that the stick figure (正) gets blown all around the room.
to whirl / immediately / variant of 鏇|镟[xuan4]
wood turning / woodwork lathe
surname Mu
(bound form) tree / (bound form) wood / unresponsive; numb; wooden

= + : Mnemonic symbol: a Christmas tree.

Malte Monkey (mu) is setting up a Christmas tree (木) in the bathroom of the space station (Ø4). He decorates the tree with eight-balls (八) and puts a holy cross (十) at the top of the tree.
(bird species of China) Eurasian treecreeper (Certhia familiaris)
a freckle / lentigo
(bound form) small bird / sparrow / also pr. [qiao3]

Words with 褐喉旋木雀

褐喉旋木雀 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 褐喉旋木雀

褐喉旋木雀 currently does not appear in any sentence.