
Western Wei of the Northern dynasties (535-557), formed from the break-up of Wei of the Northern Dynasties 北魏

Characters and words in 西魏

the West / abbr. for Spain 西班牙[Xi1 ban1 ya2] / Spanish

西 = + : The wild west is largely recognized by the symbol of the cowboy hat.

西 = + : Marie Curie has gone crazy from the loneliness in space. In front of the space station, she sits inside of a large wooden box, wearing a cowboy hat and playing a 胡兀尔 fiddle, thinking that she's participating in a square dance in the wild west.
surname Wei / name of vassal state of Zhou dynasty from 661 BC in Shanxi, one of the Seven Hero Warring States / Wei state, founded by Cao Cao 曹操[Cao2 Cao1], one of the Three Kingdoms after the Han dynasty / the Wei dynasty 221-265 / Wei prefecture and Wei county at different historical periods

= + : A demon (鬼) is attacking Willy Walrus (w) in the Eiffel Tower's bathroom (ei4). Instead of going straight at the demon, Willy surrounds Wei and saves Zhao (围魏救赵): he goes for the demon's artificial leg (委) in order to disable the demon.
tower over a palace gateway (old)

= + : A demon (鬼) is attacking Willy Walrus (w) in the Eiffel Tower's bathroom (ei4). Instead of going straight at the demon, Willy surrounds Wei and saves Zhao (围魏救赵): he goes for the demon's artificial leg (委) in order to disable the demon.

Words with 西魏

西魏 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 西魏

西魏 currently does not appear in any sentence.