
valency shell (chemistry)

Characters and words in 價層

price / value / (chemistry) valence

= + : Joan of Arc (ji) and Rosa Luxemburg (亻) are plotting their escape from the ashram in the bathroom (a4). They plan to use the ashram's rocket (介), but unfortunately, the price (价) for rockets is sky-high.
great / good / middleman / servant
to pile on top of one another / layer; stratum / floor (of a building); story / (math.) sheaf / classifier for layers

= + : The King of Chu (c) is enjoying a lasagna (千层面) in the engine's kitchen ((e)ng2) when suddenly a ghost (尸) surrounded by a dark cloud (云) appears and starts to haunt him. Terrified, the King of Chu drops the lasagna and runs away. The ghost reached its goal and starts devouring the lasagna himself.

Words with 價層

價層 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 價層

價層 currently does not appear in any sentence.