
phonograph or radio (old term) / chatterbox / talkative person

Characters and words in 話匣子

dialect / language / spoken words / speech / talk / words / conversation / what sb said / CL:種|种[zhong3],席[xi2],句[ju4],口[kou3],番[fan1]

= + : Helga Horse can't talk at all right now, because her tongue is stuck on an advertisement column in the ashram's bathroom. In an ad on the advertising column, two people were discussing a depicted beautiful carrot; Helga thought it looked so tasty she had to lick it, and now her tongue is stuck.
son / child / seed / egg / small thing / 1st earthly branch: 11 p.m.-1 a.m., midnight, 11th solar month (7th December to 5th January), year of the Rat / Viscount, fourth of five orders of nobility 五等爵位[wu3 deng3 jue2 wei4] / ancient Chinese compass point: 0° (north) / subsidiary / subordinate / sub-

= + : Zorro wants to eat an egg in the space station, and he already put it in a prize cup, as he has no egg cup. He also lacks a spoon, so he uses a big flute to crush the egg open.
(noun suffix)

Words with 話匣子

Sentences with 話匣子

話匣子 currently does not appear in any sentence.