
abundant / ample / plenty / abundance

Characters and words in 充裕

to fill / to satisfy / to fulfill / to act in place of / substitute / sufficient / full

= + : Mnemonic symbol: a charger for your mobile phone. Chantal Chicken (chu) has to charge her mobile phone, but the only charger (充) is outside in front of the engine ((e)ng1). Without any better option she waits outside in the cold wind for her phone to charge until she gets a runny nose (允). Lacking tissues she has to blow her nose into her beret (亠).
sufficient; full / to fill / to serve as; to act as / to act falsely as; to pose as

= + : Yu the Great (yu) is doing very well recently due to the abundant (裕) supplies which arrived at the space station. In the bathroom (Ø4) she is having a good time eating popcorn (谷) while wearing a royal ermine coat (衤) watching a movie.

Words with 充裕

充裕 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 充裕

充裕 currently does not appear in any sentence.