
avaricious and insatiable (idiom); greedy and never satisfied

Characters and words in 貪心不足

to have a voracious desire for / to covet / greedy / corrupt

= + : The crab (贝) is so greedy (贪) that it rented out its shell to Tecumseh (t) to live in in front of the anthill (an1). It can't wait for the first day of the month to appear on its rip-off calendar (今) so that it can go to collect the rent.
heart / mind / intention / center / core / CL:顆|颗[ke1],個|个[ge4]

= + : Marie Curie (xi) uses a shovel (乚) to dig a hole in front of the encampment ((e)n1). She wants to bury her heart (心). To the side are three petal leaves (丶), with which she wants to cover it afterwards.
(negative prefix) / not / no

= + : Bruno Bear (bu) is setting up a wind wheel (丆) with a voodoo staff (卜) in the space station's bathroom (Ø4). He also puts a "forbidden" sign (mnemonic symbol for 不) on it, to make clear that it may not (不) be stopped.
no; not so / (bound form) not; un-
insufficient / lacking / deficiency / not enough / inadequate / not worth / cannot / should not
foot / to be sufficient / ample

= + : Mnemonic symbol: a football. Zapatista Zebra (zu) wants to pimp his football (足) in the space station's kitchen (Ø2). He thinks that a few more vitamins wouldn't hurt, so he extracts the vitamins from a mandarin (口) with a syringe (龰) to inject them into his football.

Words with 貪心不足

貪心不足 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 貪心不足

貪心不足 currently does not appear in any sentence.