
A relative afar is less use than a close neighbor (idiom). Take whatever help is on hand, even from strangers.

Characters and words in 遠親不如近鄰

far / distant / remote / (intensifier in a comparison) by far / much (lower etc)

= + : In anthill Yu the Great spent already hundreds of coins on a claw crane, because she wants these gladiator sandals so badly. She tries again and again, but she always moves the claw too far.
to distance oneself from (classical)
a distant relative
parent / one's own (flesh and blood) / relative / related / marriage / bride / close / intimate / in person / first-hand / in favor of / pro- / to kiss / (Internet slang) dear

= + : The bride. The Queen of Hearts wants to kidnap the bride in front of the encampment. As soon as the bride falls out of the sewage tube from the top, the Queen swiftly puts a big vase below the sewage tube, so that it'll be easy for the Queen to drag away the vase with the bride afterwards.
parents-in-law of one's offspring
(negative prefix) / not / no

= + : Bruno Bear (bu) is setting up a wind wheel (丆) with a voodoo staff (卜) in the space station's bathroom (Ø4). He also puts a "forbidden" sign (mnemonic symbol for 不) on it, to make clear that it may not (不) be stopped.
no; not so / (bound form) not; un-
not equal to / not as good as / inferior to / it would be better to
as / as if / such as

= + : Mnemonic symbol: Asif ibn Barkhiya, according to the Qur'an, throne hauler at the court of king Salomon.

= + : Just inside the space station's entrance, Asif ibn Barkhiya, Rachel Rhinoceros and Bessie Coleman are playing monkey, throwing a mandarin as if they were little kids.
near / close to / approximately

= + : Joan of Arc (ji) tries to lift two very heavy bar bells (斤) in the encampment's bathroom ((e)n4) while wearing gladiator sandals (辶). She cannot lift them even a little bit though; the bar bells are always very close (斤) to her gladiator sandals.
close neighbor
neighbor / adjacent / close to

= + : Li Qingzhao (li) just entered the encampment ((e)n2) and sees that her new neighbour (邻) is the Imperator (阝). The Imperator tells her that since he is the imperator, she will have to listen to him how to tend her garden. After listening for a while Li Qingzhao pulls out her name tag (令) and shows the imperator that she is a representative of the emperor, so that the imperator has no power over her.

Words with 遠親不如近鄰

遠親不如近鄰 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 遠親不如近鄰

遠親不如近鄰 currently does not appear in any sentence.