
Characters and words in 遲發性損傷

surname Chi

= + : Charlie Chaplin (ch) arrived late (迟) at the space station's entrance (Ø2). He used tape measures (尺) as laces for his gladiator sandals (辶), but they got all messed up so that Charlie was stumpling a lot on his way to the space station's entrance.
late / delayed / slow

= + : Charlie Chaplin (ch) arrived late (迟) at the space station's entrance (Ø2). He used tape measures (尺) as laces for his gladiator sandals (辶), but they got all messed up so that Charlie was stumpling a lot on his way to the space station's entrance.
to send out / to show (one's feeling) / to issue / to develop / to make a bundle of money / classifier for gunshots (rounds)
nature / character / property / quality / attribute / sexuality / sex / gender / suffix forming adjective from verb / suffix forming noun from adjective, corresponding to -ness or -ity / essence / CL:個|个[ge4]

= + : Marie Curie had a strong character since she was little. Even in her cradle in the engine's bathroom she was only playing with a flail.
to decrease / to lose / to damage / to harm / (coll.) to speak sarcastically / to deride / caustic / mean / one of the 64 hexagrams of the Book of Changes (䷨)

= + : Susan Saint Bernard (su) left her web just for a second to visit the bathroom, but when she comes back she finds that the encampment's ((e)n3) waiter (员) destroyed (损) her web with a toy claw (扌).
to decrease; to lose / to damage; to harm / (coll.) to ridicule; to deride / (coll.) caustic; sarcastic; nasty; mean / one of the 64 hexagrams of the Book of Changes: ䷨
to harm / to damage / to injure / impairment / loss / disability
to injure / injury / wound

= + 𠂉 + : Sherlock Holmes hurt himself when he got struck by one of the traps in front of the anglepod. Luckily Rosa Luxemburg passes by: she has the key to unlock the power button of the trap system and turns it off, so that Sherlock can free himself.

Words with 遲發性損傷

遲發性損傷 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 遲發性損傷

遲發性損傷 currently does not appear in any sentence.