
Shaoyang county in Shaoyang 邵陽|邵阳[Shao4 yang2], Hunan

Characters and words in 邵阳县

surname Shao / place name
Shaoyang, prefecture-level city in Hunan
positive (electric.) / sun / male principle (Taoism) / Yang, opposite: 陰|阴[yin1]

= + : Maud Younger and the pope want to help the good people of the anglepod and install some solar power (太阳能) panels just inside the anglepod's kitchen. The sun helps them to generate positive electric charges by shining its rays (阳光) on the panel.

= + : Marie Curie (xi) and the county manager of her home county are manufacturing maps of her home county (县) inside of the anthill's bathroom (an4). The county has a very special form which you can reproduce by smashing a fake nose (厶) with a shelf (且).

Words with 邵阳县

邵阳县 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 邵阳县

邵阳县 currently does not appear in any sentence.