
Post (in the name of a newspaper)

Characters and words in 郵報

post (office) / mail

= + : Maud Younger (y) received a postcard (邮) in the outhouse's kitchen (ou2). The postcard is from the imperator (阝) and shows himself enjoying a cuba libre (由). On the postcard he invites Maud to visit him in his holiday lodge.
to announce / to inform / report / newspaper / recompense / revenge / CL:份[fen4],張|张[zhang1]

= 𠬝 + : Before his ballet performance Beelzebub uses the aorta's bathroom, already wearing his tutu. He reads a newspaper holding it with toy claws so as to protect his hands from the ink.

Words with 郵報

Huffington Post (US online news aggregator)

Sentences with 郵報

郵報 currently does not appear in any sentence.