
Characters and words in 馬里亞納群島

surname Ma / abbr. for Malaysia 馬來西亞|马来西亚[Ma3 lai2 xi1 ya4]
horse / CL:匹[pi3] / horse or cavalry piece in Chinese chess / knight in Western chess

= + + : A beautiful unicorn rides on top of Mahatma Gandhi in the ashram.
variant of 裡|里[li3]
lining / interior / inside / internal / also written 裏|里[li3]

= + : Mnemonic symbol: a sunflower. The 田 part looks like the blossom and 土 looks like the stem and leaves. Li Qingzhao (li) wants to put up a field (田) inside (里) the space station's living room (Ø3). First she puts some earth (土) here and there, and then she plants lots of sunflowers (里).
Li (surname)
li, ancient measure of length, approx. 500 m / neighborhood / ancient administrative unit of 25 families / (Tw) borough, administrative unit between the township 鎮|镇[zhen4] and neighborhood 鄰|邻[lin2] levels
Asia / Asian / Taiwan pr. [Ya3]

= + : What is Asia famous for? Many people will say for its food. Let's say that 亚 is for 麻婆豆腐. Maud Younger is eating a plate of Mapo Doufu in the ashram's bathroom, when a bullfrog steals the plate by snatching it away with his tongue. His punishment follows at once by Maud Younger beating him over the head with a flute.
second / next to / inferior / sub- / Taiwan pr. [ya3]

= + : What is Asia famous for? Many people will say for its food. Let's say that 亚 is for 麻婆豆腐. Maud Younger is eating a plate of Mapo Doufu in the ashram's bathroom, when a bullfrog steals the plate by snatching it away with his tongue. His punishment follows at once by Maud Younger beating him over the head with a flute.
surname Na
to receive / to accept / to enjoy / to bring into / to pay (tax etc) / nano- (one billionth) / to reinforce sole of shoes or stockings by close sewing

= + : Napoleon (n) took a tiny CT scan (内) of the silk worm (纟) in the ashram's bathroom (a4). The silkworm is relieved when it receives (纳) the scan and realizes that everything is ok.
variant of 群[qun2]

= + : Just inside the encampment's kitchen Cupid made a flock of sheep collectively fall in love with 马天君, just to annoy him. 马天君 is indeed outraged at Cupid, but has no way of taking revenge, for now.
group / crowd / flock, herd, pack etc

= + : Just inside the encampment's kitchen Cupid made a flock of sheep collectively fall in love with 马天君, just to annoy him. 马天君 is indeed outraged at Cupid, but has no way of taking revenge, for now.
group of islands / archipelago
island / CL:個|个[ge4],座[zuo4]

= + : Don Quixote (d) is trapped on a remote island (岛) inside of the aortas (ao3). The only animal on the island is a black crow (乌), and Don Quixote is chasing it with a fork (山) round and round the island, trying to catch it.

Words with 馬里亞納群島

Sentences with 馬里亞納群島

馬里亞納群島 currently does not appear in any sentence.