
Characters and words in 髒彈

dirty / filthy / to get (sth) dirty

= + : Zorro (z) and the moon (月) are mud wrestling in the farmstead's (庄) dung hill in front of the anglepod (ang1). Consequently they are very dirty (脏).
crossball / bullet / shot / shell / ball

= + : Don Quixote (d) is preparing a bullet (弹) list in the anthill's bathroom (an4), but he took the term a little too literally. To create the bullet points on his list (单), he is trying to shoot bullets (弹) at the list using a composite bow (弓).
to pluck (a string) / to play (a string instrument) / to spring or leap / to shoot (e.g. with a catapult) / (of cotton) to fluff or tease / to flick / to flip / to accuse / to impeach / elastic (of materials)

= + : Tecumseh (t) is giving a concert in the anthill's kitchen (an2). He is playing a composite bow (弓) with just a single string. As he is plucking (弹) the string (弹) of his bow, he often looks at the floor where he taped a list (单) of songs to play so that he doesn't forget which song is next.

Words with 髒彈

髒彈 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 髒彈

髒彈 currently does not appear in any sentence.