
to treat winter diseases in the summer (TCM)

Characters and words in 冬病夏治


= + : Mnemonic symbol: udon noodles, 乌冬面.

The first signs of spring were visible in form of blossoms (⺀) appearing everywhere in front of the engine ((e)ng1), but then the winter (冬) came back and froze them. To keep warm, Doggy Dog (du) eats a hot soup with udon noodles (冬). Wearing high heels (夂) he also enjoys to keep moving and stomps on the frozen blossoms.
surname Dong
(onom.) beating a drum / rat-a-tat
illness / CL:場|场[chang2] / disease / to fall ill / defect

= + : In engine's bathroom Brunhilde is proudly inspecting her bronze medal. She got it in a contest about having the craziest sickness by painting a colorful rash on her face.
the Xia or Hsia dynasty c. 2000 BC / Xia of the Sixteen Kingdoms (407-432) / surname Xia

= 𦣻 + : Mnemonic symbol: a sherpa, 夏尔巴人.

Marie Curie (xi) gives a sherpa (夏) 100 bucks (𦣻) to play a summer song on his flute (𦣻) and dance on high heels (夂) in the ashram's bathroom (a4).

= 𦣻 + : Mnemonic symbol: a sherpa, 夏尔巴人.

Marie Curie (xi) gives a sherpa (夏) 100 bucks (𦣻) to play a summer song on his flute (𦣻) and dance on high heels (夂) in the ashram's bathroom (a4).
to rule / to govern / to manage / to control / to harness (a river) / to treat (a disease) / to wipe out (a pest) / to punish / to research

= + : Due to a technical failure there is a water shortage in the space station. James II of England (zh) has taken over the task to manage (治) and regulate the water, and he does so by sitting behind a counter (台) in the space station's bathroom (Ø4) and handing out bottled water (氵).

Words with 冬病夏治

冬病夏治 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 冬病夏治

冬病夏治 currently does not appear in any sentence.