
"Three Strategies of Huang Shigong", one of the Seven Military Classics of ancient China

Characters and words in 黄石公三略

surname Huang or Hwang

= + + : Mnemonic symbol: the Yellow Emperor.

Helga Horse invited the Yellow Emperor to join her visit anglepod. In the kitchen, he falls for her trap: Helga prepared a field of eight balls on which the Yellow Emperor trips. As he falls into the well behind the field of eight balls, Helga neighs and laughs loudly at him.
yellow / pornographic / to fall through

= + + : Mnemonic symbol: the Yellow Emperor.

Helga Horse invited the Yellow Emperor to join her visit anglepod. In the kitchen, he falls for her trap: Helga prepared a field of eight balls on which the Yellow Emperor trips. As he falls into the well behind the field of eight balls, Helga neighs and laughs loudly at him.
Huangshi prefecture-level city in Hubei
surname Shi / abbr. for Shijiazhuang 石家莊|石家庄[Shi2 jia1 zhuang1]

= + : Sherlock Holmes finds the space station's entrance blocked by a big rock. He uses a wind wheel and a mandarin to build a lever, with which he is able to move the rock.
dry measure for grain equal to ten dou 斗 / ten pecks / one hundred liters
rock / stone / stone inscription / one of the eight categories of ancient musical instruments 八音[ba1 yin1]

= + : Sherlock Holmes finds the space station's entrance blocked by a big rock. He uses a wind wheel and a mandarin to build a lever, with which he is able to move the rock.
dry measure for grain equal to ten dou 斗[dou3]; one hundred liters / ancient pr. [shi2]
Huang Shigong, also known as Xia Huanggong 夏黃公|夏黄公[Xia4 Huang2 gong1] (dates of birth and death uncertain), Daoist hermit of the Qin Dynasty 秦代[Qin2 dai4] and purported author
public / collectively owned / common / international (e.g. high seas, metric system, calendar) / make public / fair / just / Duke, highest of five orders of nobility 五等爵位[wu3 deng3 jue2 wei4] / honorable (gentlemen) / father-in-law / male (animal)

= + : Mnemonic symbol from 公交车: a (magic) bus.

= + : Gitta Giraffe has to deliver 100 eight balls to engine driving a magic bus. She is driving in front of the engine and because the load is so heavy, she is driving very slowly. Additionally, she tried to decrease the wind resistance by installing a large fake nose at the front of the bus.
surname San
three / 3

= + : Mnemonic symbol: Cartesian coordinate system with three (三) axes. Socrates (s-) is performing in front of the anthill (-an1). He created an electrical flute by attaching a large capacitor (二) to the flute (一), so that he can get the attention of all the people. Moreover, he's balancing on a Cartesian coordinate system (三). Unfortunately, only three (三) people stop to watch the performance.
see 黃石公三略|黄石公三略[Huang2 Shi2 gong1 San1 lüe4]
brief; sketchy / outline; summary / to omit / (bound form before a single-character verb) a bit; somewhat; slightly / plan; strategy / to capture (territory)

= + : Loki (lü) wants to play a prank on the elevator's visitors. In the bathroom (e4) he plants a field (田) of stars (各) around the toilet. His plan (略) is that the visitors will then have to step on many spiky stars if they want to reach the toilet.
variant of 略[lüe4]

Words with 黄石公三略

黄石公三略 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 黄石公三略

黄石公三略 currently does not appear in any sentence.