
(bird species of China) speckled wood pigeon (Columba hodgsonii)

Characters and words in 点斑林鸽

point / dot / drop / speck / o'clock / point (in space or time) / to draw a dot / to check on a list / to choose / to order (food in a restaurant) / to touch briefly / to hint / to light / to ignite / to pour a liquid drop by drop / (old) one fifth of a two-hour watch 更[geng1] / dot stroke in Chinese characters / classifier for items

= + : Dorothy Gale opened a new shop inside anthill. She's selling grilled vegetables, and many people are ordering them. On a plate, they only look like little spots or points.
spot / colored patch / stripe / spotted / striped / variegated

= + : Beelzebub (b) is reading a thick book (文) about necklaces (玨) in front of the anthill (an1) when he spots that there are a lot of yellow spots (斑) on each page.
surname Lin / Japanese surname Hayashi
woods / forest / CL:片[pian4] / circle(s) (i.e. specific group of people) / a collection (of similar things)

= : Li Qingzhao (li) wants to plant a small forest (林) in the encampment's kitchen ((e)n2). She already put up two Christmas trees (木).
pigeon / dove

= + : Guy Fawkes (g) is experimenting with creating new messengers for his secret underground network in front of the elevator (e1) by gluing (合) a dove (鸽) to a turkey (鸟). The idea behind the experiment is that they can fly in turns.
pigeon; dove

Words with 点斑林鸽

点斑林鸽 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 点斑林鸽

点斑林鸽 currently does not appear in any sentence.