
Xian Xinghai (1905-1945), violinist and composer, known for patriotic wartime pieces, including Yellow River Oratorio 黃河大合唱|黄河大合唱[Huang2 He2 Da4 he2 chang4]

Characters and words in 冼星海

surname Xian
star / heavenly body / satellite / small amount

= + : The sun and a satellite had a love affair and now have a baby: Marie Curie is quietly sleeping in her little cradle in front of the engine.
surname Hai

= + : Due to the runaway greenhouse effect, the oceans have risen and the airplane has been flooded. To do his daily workout, Hamlet has to do a handstand on two water bottles and do his push-ups this way.
ocean / sea / CL:個|个[ge4],片[pian4] / great number of people or things / (dialect) numerous

= + : Due to the runaway greenhouse effect, the oceans have risen and the airplane has been flooded. To do his daily workout, Hamlet has to do a handstand on two water bottles and do his push-ups this way.

Words with 冼星海

冼星海 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 冼星海

冼星海 currently does not appear in any sentence.