
Characters and words in 齲齒性

decayed teeth / dental caries
tooth decay / dental caries / cavity
tooth / CL:顆|颗[ke1]

齿 = + + : Charlie Chaplin (ch) has an aching tooth (齿), and Neanderthal Man (人) is about to help him take it out using an electrical barrier (止) in the space station (Ø3). They attached the barrier to the tooth and as Neanderthal Man will plug it into the receptacle (凵), the barrier will pull out the tooth.
nature / character / property / quality / attribute / sexuality / sex / gender / suffix forming adjective from verb / suffix forming noun from adjective, corresponding to -ness or -ity / essence / CL:個|个[ge4]

= + : Marie Curie had a strong character since she was little. Even in her cradle in the engine's bathroom she was only playing with a flail.

Words with 齲齒性

Sentences with 齲齒性

齲齒性 currently does not appear in any sentence.