
(coll.) to have a meal

Characters and words in 幹飯

tree trunk / main part of sth / to manage / to work / to do / capable / cadre / to kill (slang) / to fuck (vulgar) / (coll.) pissed off / annoyed

= + : Guy Fawkes is doing some workout in the anthill's bathroom. He's lifting a flute in the one hand and a cross in the other.
cooked rice / CL:碗[wan3] / meal / CL:頓|顿[dun4] / (loanword) fan / devotee

= + : In the anthill's bathroom (an4) the protester (反) is protesting against the eating of Chinese crullers (饣) because they are so unhealthy. He rather wants Frankenstein's Monster (f) to eat a healthy raw vegan salad (饭). Frankenstein's Monster is quite happy with his cruller and beats the protester with his cruller on the head to let him know that his suggestions are not welcome.

Words with 幹飯

幹飯 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 幹飯

幹飯 currently does not appear in any sentence.