
Characters and words in 動詞

(of sth) to move / to set in movement / to displace / to touch / to make use of / to stir (emotions) / to alter / abbr. for 動詞|动词[dong4 ci2], verb

= + : Doggy Dog notices a lot of smoke when he enters engine's bathroom. Instead of thinking long, he acts quickly and moves to push the fire alarm button.
word / statement / speech / lyrics / CL:組|组[zu3],個|个[ge4] / a form of lyric poetry, flourishing in the Song dynasty 宋朝|宋朝[Song4 chao2] / CL:首[shou3]

= + : The King of Chu (c) has to listen to a boring lecture by a manager (司) just inside the space station's entrance (Ø2). The manager just wrote every word (词) of his speech (词) on an advertising column (讠) and is just reading the speech word by word.

Words with 動詞

auxiliary verb / modal verb
auxiliary verb; modal verb
modal verb (e.g. 肯[ken3], 能[neng2], 會|会[hui4], 要[yao4], 該|该[gai1], 得[dei3], 願意|愿意[yuan4 yi4], 可以[ke3 yi3], 可能[ke3 neng2], 敢[gan3], 應該|应该[ying1 gai1])

Sentences with 動詞

動詞 currently does not appear in any sentence.