
Characters and words in 化糞池

variant of 花[hua1]
to make into / to change into / -ization / to ... -ize / to transform / abbr. for 化學|化学[hua4 xue2]

= + : Helga Horse and Rosa Luxemburg conduct an experiment in the ashram's bathroom. Using a transformer, they melt a ladle.
manure / dung
pond / reservoir / moat

= + : The excavator (也) wants to excavate an ancient pond (池) just inside the space station's entrance (Ø2). He's doing so by emptying the pond with a water bottle (氵). Charlie Chaplin (ch) wants to help, but he is emptying his bottle in a way that the water is floating back into the pond.

Words with 化糞池

化糞池 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 化糞池

化糞池 currently does not appear in any sentence.