
Qiangba Puncog (1947-), chairman of the government of Tibet (i.e. governor) 2003-2010

Characters and words in 向巴平措

surname Xiang
towards / to face / to turn towards / direction / to support / to side with / shortly before / formerly / always / all along / (suffix) suitable for ... / oriented to ...

= 丿 + : Mnemonic symbol: there's a genus of mahogany trees which produce "向天果" or "sky fruit" because, well, they directly face the sky.

= 丿 + : In anglepod's bathroom, Marie Curie is being held up at the border control post because she tried to smuggle a sky fruit in a banana.
to tend toward / to guide / variant of 向[xiang4]

= 丿 + : Mnemonic symbol: there's a genus of mahogany trees which produce "向天果" or "sky fruit" because, well, they directly face the sky.

= 丿 + : In anglepod's bathroom, Marie Curie is being held up at the border control post because she tried to smuggle a sky fruit in a banana.
variant of 向[xiang4] / direction / orientation / to face / to turn toward / to / towards / shortly before / formerly

= 丿 + : Mnemonic symbol: there's a genus of mahogany trees which produce "向天果" or "sky fruit" because, well, they directly face the sky.

= 丿 + : In anglepod's bathroom, Marie Curie is being held up at the border control post because she tried to smuggle a sky fruit in a banana.
Ba state during Zhou dynasty (in east of modern Sichuan) / abbr. for east Sichuan or Chongqing / surname Ba / abbr. for Palestine or Palestinian / abbr. for Pakistan
to long for / to wish / to cling to / to stick to / sth that sticks / close to / next to / spread open / informal abbr. for bus 巴士[ba1 shi4] / bar (unit of pressure) / nominalizing suffix on certain nouns, such as 尾巴[wei3 ba5], tail

= + : The snake found a sweet and sticky lollipop in front if the ashram. Just as she is about to lick it, Beelzebub turns it into a large dinosaur bone, laughing at the snake, the lollipop in his hands.
surname Ping

= + : Mnemonic symbol: a pan (平底锅) as it has a very flat and level surface.

Pocahontas (pi) is fighting with a crocodile (丷) just inside the engine's kitchen ((e)ng2). She's throwing so many dried fruits (干) at it that it's totally flat (平) soon. She gives it a last blow striking with a frying pan (平).
flat / level / equal / to tie (make the same score) / to draw (score) / calm / peaceful / abbr. for 平聲|平声[ping2 sheng1]

= + : Mnemonic symbol: a pan (平底锅) as it has a very flat and level surface.

Pocahontas (pi) is fighting with a crocodile (丷) just inside the engine's kitchen ((e)ng2). She's throwing so many dried fruits (干) at it that it's totally flat (平) soon. She gives it a last blow striking with a frying pan (平).
to handle / to manage / to put in order / to arrange / to administer / to execute / to take action on / to plan

= + : Kitty Cat (cu) managed (措) to create a milk shake (昔) machine in the observatory's bathroom (o4) using many toy claws (扌) connected to electric motors. The machine handles (措) the whole operation of making the milk shakes.

Words with 向巴平措

向巴平措 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 向巴平措

向巴平措 currently does not appear in any sentence.