
the Goldbach conjecture in number theory

Characters and words in 哥德巴赫猜想

elder brother

= : Did you know that Godzilla (哥斯拉 ge1 si1 la1, mnemonic symbol for 哥) was the elder brother (哥) of Guy Fawkes (g)? They used to share kebabs (可) regularly sitting in front of the elevator (e1).
Germany / German / abbr. for 德國|德国[De2 guo2]

= + + + + : Goethe (歌德) and Don Quixote (d) got into a discussion about ethics (德) and the moral (德) implications of wearing black sneakers (彳) just inside the elevator's kitchen (e2) which escalated pretty quickly. Now they are even not discussing anymore: instead, Don Quixote is ramming a flute (一) into Goethe's heart (心) with a cross (十) which he uses as a hammer. He doesn't want to make a mess though so he collects the blood flowing out of the other end of the flute in a shallow bowl (皿).
virtue / goodness / morality / ethics / kindness / favor / character / kind

= + + + + : Goethe (歌德) and Don Quixote (d) got into a discussion about ethics (德) and the moral (德) implications of wearing black sneakers (彳) just inside the elevator's kitchen (e2) which escalated pretty quickly. Now they are even not discussing anymore: instead, Don Quixote is ramming a flute (一) into Goethe's heart (心) with a cross (十) which he uses as a hammer. He doesn't want to make a mess though so he collects the blood flowing out of the other end of the flute in a shallow bowl (皿).
variant of 德[de2]

= + + + + : Goethe (歌德) and Don Quixote (d) got into a discussion about ethics (德) and the moral (德) implications of wearing black sneakers (彳) just inside the elevator's kitchen (e2) which escalated pretty quickly. Now they are even not discussing anymore: instead, Don Quixote is ramming a flute (一) into Goethe's heart (心) with a cross (十) which he uses as a hammer. He doesn't want to make a mess though so he collects the blood flowing out of the other end of the flute in a shallow bowl (皿).
variant of 德[de2]

= + + + + : Goethe (歌德) and Don Quixote (d) got into a discussion about ethics (德) and the moral (德) implications of wearing black sneakers (彳) just inside the elevator's kitchen (e2) which escalated pretty quickly. Now they are even not discussing anymore: instead, Don Quixote is ramming a flute (一) into Goethe's heart (心) with a cross (十) which he uses as a hammer. He doesn't want to make a mess though so he collects the blood flowing out of the other end of the flute in a shallow bowl (皿).
Ba state during Zhou dynasty (in east of modern Sichuan) / abbr. for east Sichuan or Chongqing / surname Ba / abbr. for Palestine or Palestinian / abbr. for Pakistan
to long for / to wish / to cling to / to stick to / sth that sticks / close to / next to / spread open / informal abbr. for bus 巴士[ba1 shi4] / bar (unit of pressure) / nominalizing suffix on certain nouns, such as 尾巴[wei3 ba5], tail

= + : The snake found a sweet and sticky lollipop in front if the ashram. Just as she is about to lick it, Beelzebub turns it into a large dinosaur bone, laughing at the snake, the lollipop in his hands.
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750), German composer
surname He

= : Hamlet (h) is getting an awe-inspiring (赫) number of two red letters (赤) per second (at a rate of two Herz (赫)) delivered in the elevator's bathroom (e4).
awe-inspiring / abbr. for 赫茲|赫兹[he4 zi1], hertz (Hz)

= : Hamlet (h) is getting an awe-inspiring (赫) number of two red letters (赤) per second (at a rate of two Herz (赫)) delivered in the elevator's bathroom (e4).
to guess

= + : The dachshund (犭) is sitting in a fisher boat and floating over the water of the fountain of youth (青) in front of the airplane (ai1) as he notices a person floating towards him on a raft made of branches. He closely watches the person, the exclaims: “我猜到你是谁了!”“你猜到我是谁了?”“你是楚霸王 (c)!”
to guess; to conjecture; to suppose / (math.) hypothesis
to think / to believe / to suppose / to wish / to want / to miss (feel wistful about the absence of sb or sth)

= + : Inside the anglepod, Marie Curie misses the ent. She thinks of him and wants to give him her heart.
to think (about) / to think of; to devise / to think (that); to believe (that) / to desire; to want (to) / to miss (feel wistful about the absence of)

Words with 哥德巴赫猜想

哥德巴赫猜想 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 哥德巴赫猜想

哥德巴赫猜想 currently does not appear in any sentence.