
chloroform CHCl3 (loanword) / trichloromethane

Characters and words in 哥羅芳

elder brother

= : Did you know that Godzilla (哥斯拉 ge1 si1 la1, mnemonic symbol for 哥) was the elder brother (哥) of Guy Fawkes (g)? They used to share kebabs (可) regularly sitting in front of the elevator (e1).
gauze / to collect / to gather / to catch / to sift

= + : Lenny Lemur wanted to catch a few bats with a net hang high across the observatory's kitchen. Instead, two bats catch him in a roll of gauze in a fly-by manoeuvre.

= + : Frankenstein's Monster (f) is cutting sheets of artificial lawn (艹) into square shapes (方) in front of the anglepod (ang1). The freshly cut artificial lawn as a very fragrant (芳) smell.

Words with 哥羅芳

哥羅芳 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 哥羅芳

哥羅芳 currently does not appear in any sentence.