
four types of human emotions, namely: happiness 歡喜|欢喜[huan1 xi3], anger 憤怒|愤怒[fen4 nu4], sorrow 悲哀[bei1 ai1] and joy 快樂|快乐[kuai4 le4]

Characters and words in 喜怒哀乐

to be fond of / to like / to enjoy / to be happy / to feel pleased / happiness / delight / glad

= + : Mnemonic symbol: 喜宴, wedding banquet.

Marie Curie is overjoyed to announce her marriage in the space station. She improvised a wedding banquet with nothing but mandarins and notifies everyone by beating a large drum very quickly with two mandarins.
anger / fury / flourishing / vigorous

= + : Nelson Newt (nu) is angrily (怒) shouting at his slave (奴) in the space station's bathroom (Ø4). The slave thinks how heartless Nelson Newt is. Indeed, a long time ago the slave stole Nelson Newt's heart (心) to use it one day in an escape plan.
Ai (c. 2000 BC), sixth of legendary Flame Emperors 炎帝[Yan2 di4] descended from Shennong 神農|神农[Shen2 nong2] Farmer God, also known as Li 釐|厘[Li2]

= + : Albert Einstein (Ø) and Ai (哀) are grieving (哀) for a dead mandarin (口) in front of the airplane (ai1). As a last service they put it in a kilt (衣) and bury it.
sorrow; grief; pity / to grieve for; to pity; to lament; to condole

= + : Albert Einstein (Ø) and Ai (哀) are grieving (哀) for a dead mandarin (口) in front of the airplane (ai1). As a last service they put it in a kilt (衣) and bury it.
funeral music / plaint / dirge
surname Le

= + : Mnemonic symbol: a cheerleader

= + : In the elevator's bathroom, the cheerleader is beating Lancelot on the head with a banana tree just when Lancelot isn't watching, and laughing at him cheerfully. The cheerleader sneaked up on Lancelot by popping out of a sewage pipe.
surname Yue
happy / cheerful / to laugh

= + : Mnemonic symbol: a cheerleader

= + : In the elevator's bathroom, the cheerleader is beating Lancelot on the head with a banana tree just when Lancelot isn't watching, and laughing at him cheerfully. The cheerleader sneaked up on Lancelot by popping out of a sewage pipe.

Words with 喜怒哀乐

喜怒哀乐 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 喜怒哀乐

喜怒哀乐 currently does not appear in any sentence.