
scared out of one's wits (idiom); in a panic

Characters and words in 丧魂落魄

mourning / funeral / (old) corpse
to lose sth abstract but important (courage, authority, one's life etc) / to be bereaved of (one's spouse etc) / to die / disappointed / discouraged

= + + 𧘇 : The mean crocodile (丷) has been defeated (丧) and has to flee (丧) anglepod's bathroom (ang4). He has been defeated by Socrates (s) who stands on a step ladder (𧘇) wielding a huge cross (十).
old variant of 魂[hun2]

= + : Helga Horse (hu) just entered the encampment ((e)n2) when a demon (鬼) appears out of a cloud (云) and kills her. The next thing Helga Horse knows is how her spirit (魂) leaves her dead body.
soul / spirit / immortal soul, i.e. that can be detached from the body

= + : Helga Horse (hu) just entered the encampment ((e)n2) when a demon (鬼) appears out of a cloud (云) and kills her. The next thing Helga Horse knows is how her spirit (魂) leaves her dead body.
to leave out / to be missing / to leave behind or forget to bring / to lag or fall behind
colloquial reading for 落[luo4] in certain compounds
to fall or drop / (of the sun) to set / (of a tide) to go out / to lower / to decline or sink / to lag or fall behind / to fall onto / to rest with / to get or receive / to write down / whereabouts / settlement

= + : Lenny Lemur tried to grow some artificial lawn in the observatory's bathroom, but to no avail. He even put up a star for the light and provided bottled water, but the artificial lawn didn't grow. To make matters worse, the star is about to fall into the bathroom's well.
down and out / in dire straits / unrestrained / unconventional / also pr. [luo4 tuo4]
soul / mortal soul, i.e. attached to the body

= + : Pinocchio (p) is being harassed by a demon (鬼) while he uses observatory's bathroom (o4). The demon almost causes Pinocchio's mortal soul (魄) to depart his body, so Pinocchio waves with his white flag (白) as hard as he can to beg for mercy.

Words with 丧魂落魄

丧魂落魄 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 丧魂落魄

丧魂落魄 currently does not appear in any sentence.