
(bird species of China) great slaty woodpecker (Mulleripicus pulverulentus)

Characters and words in 大灰啄木鸟

see 大夫[dai4 fu5]
big; large; great / older (than another person) / eldest (as in 大姐[da4 jie3]) / greatly; freely; fully / (dialect) father / (dialect) uncle (father's brother)

= + : The big (大), huge (大) robot (mnemonic symbol for 大) is working out in the ashram's bathroom (a4). He's lifting a flute (一) to which Don Quixote (d) and Neanderthal man (人) are clinging.
ash / dust / lime / gray / discouraged; dejected

= 𠂇 + : Helga Horse (hu) wants to cut out a piece of fire (火) in front of the Eiffel Tower (ei1) using a pair of scissors (𠂇), but every time she cuts she just gets a little bit of gray ashes (灰).
to peck
surname Mu
(bound form) tree / (bound form) wood / unresponsive; numb; wooden

= + : Mnemonic symbol: a Christmas tree.

Malte Monkey (mu) is setting up a Christmas tree (木) in the bathroom of the space station (Ø4). He decorates the tree with eight-balls (八) and puts a holy cross (十) at the top of the tree.
variant of 屌[diao3] / penis
bird / CL:隻|只[zhi1],群[qun2] / "bird" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 196) / (dialect) to pay attention to / (intensifier) damned / goddamn

Nefertiti tries to fend off a turkey in the aorta.

Words with 大灰啄木鸟

大灰啄木鸟 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 大灰啄木鸟

大灰啄木鸟 currently does not appear in any sentence.