
(bird species of China) greater flameback (Chrysocolaptes lucidus)

Characters and words in 大金背啄木鸟

see 大夫[dai4 fu5]
big; large; great / older (than another person) / eldest (as in 大姐[da4 jie3]) / greatly; freely; fully / (dialect) father / (dialect) uncle (father's brother)

= + : The big (大), huge (大) robot (mnemonic symbol for 大) is working out in the ashram's bathroom (a4). He's lifting a flute (一) to which Don Quixote (d) and Neanderthal man (人) are clinging.
surname Jin / surname Kim (Korean) / Jurchen Jin dynasty (1115-1234)

= + : Mnemonic symbol: a bar of gold.

= + : In front of the encampment, Joan of Arc is on the lookout for smugglers. Indeed she catches the mean crocodile smuggling gold bars hidden in whole wheat breads.
gold / chemical element Au / generic term for lustrous and ductile metals / money / golden / highly respected / one of the eight categories of ancient musical instruments 八音[ba1 yin1]

= + : Mnemonic symbol: a bar of gold.

= + : In front of the encampment, Joan of Arc is on the lookout for smugglers. Indeed she catches the mean crocodile smuggling gold bars hidden in whole wheat breads.
variant of 背[bei1]

= + : Mnemonic symbol: 背包, rucksack.

Beelzebub is on a trip to Paris together with the moon, which he carries in a rucksack. Beelzebub always follows his compass rose, but since it is affected by the moon's magnetic field, Beelzebub and the moon just circle the Eiffel Tower.
to be burdened / to carry on the back or shoulder

= + : Mnemonic symbol: 背包, rucksack.

Beelzebub is on a trip to Paris together with the moon, which he carries in a rucksack. Beelzebub always follows his compass rose, but since it is affected by the moon's magnetic field, Beelzebub and the moon just circle the Eiffel Tower.
the back of a body or object / to turn one's back / to hide something from / to learn by heart / to recite from memory / unlucky (slang) / hard of hearing
to peck
surname Mu
(bound form) tree / (bound form) wood / unresponsive; numb; wooden

= + : Mnemonic symbol: a Christmas tree.

Malte Monkey (mu) is setting up a Christmas tree (木) in the bathroom of the space station (Ø4). He decorates the tree with eight-balls (八) and puts a holy cross (十) at the top of the tree.
variant of 屌[diao3] / penis
bird / CL:隻|只[zhi1],群[qun2] / "bird" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 196) / (dialect) to pay attention to / (intensifier) damned / goddamn

Nefertiti tries to fend off a turkey in the aorta.

Words with 大金背啄木鸟

大金背啄木鸟 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 大金背啄木鸟

大金背啄木鸟 currently does not appear in any sentence.