
to be gravely mistaken (idiom)

Characters and words in 大錯特錯

see 大夫[dai4 fu5]
big; large; great / older (than another person) / eldest (as in 大姐[da4 jie3]) / greatly; freely; fully / (dialect) father / (dialect) uncle (father's brother)

= + : The big (大), huge (大) robot (mnemonic symbol for 大) is working out in the ashram's bathroom (a4). He's lifting a flute (一) to which Don Quixote (d) and Neanderthal man (人) are clinging.
surname Cuo
mistake / wrong / bad / interlocking / complex / to grind / to polish / to alternate / to stagger / to miss / to let slip / to evade / to inlay with gold or silver

= + : Kitty Cat just finished polishing her golden harpoon in the observatory's bathroom, but afterwards she made the terrible mistake of dropping her milkshake on it. Now she'll have to polish it all over again.
special / unique / distinguished / especially / unusual / very / abbr. for 特克斯[te4 ke4 si1], tex

= + : Tecumseh has a very special mount: In contrast to the other Indians he rides a bull. Moreover, the bull is so special that it meditates in front of the Buddhist shrine in the elevator's bathroom together with Tecumseh.

Words with 大錯特錯

大錯特錯 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 大錯特錯

大錯特錯 currently does not appear in any sentence.