
Quirinius, governor of Syria (c. 51 BC - AD 21)

Characters and words in 季黎诺

surname Ji

= + : Joan of Arc (ji) is eating her space food in the space station's bathroom (Ø4). It consists of a bowl of cereals (禾) with an egg (子) and four-season bean curd (四季豆腐).
season / the last month of a season / fourth or youngest amongst brothers / classifier for seasonal crop yields

= + : Joan of Arc (ji) is eating her space food in the space station's bathroom (Ø4). It consists of a bowl of cereals (禾) with an egg (子) and four-season bean curd (四季豆腐).
Li ethnic group of Hainan Province / surname Li / abbr. for Lebanon 黎巴嫩[Li2 ba1 nen4]

= + + : Just before dawn, when it is still very black (黎), Li Qingzhao (li) is having cereals (禾) for breakfast just inside the space station's entrance (Ø2). She's resting at the side of a water fountain (氽) when a bat (勿) flies into her cereals because it is so dark (黎). Disgusted Li Qingzhao throws the bowl of cereals with the bat into the water fountain.
(literary) black / dark / many / multitude

= + + : Just before dawn, when it is still very black (黎), Li Qingzhao (li) is having cereals (禾) for breakfast just inside the space station's entrance (Ø2). She's resting at the side of a water fountain (氽) when a bat (勿) flies into her cereals because it is so dark (黎). Disgusted Li Qingzhao throws the bowl of cereals with the bat into the water fountain.
to consent / to promise / (literary) yes!

= + : Nelson Newt (nu) sees an ad on an advertising column (讠) in the observatory's bathroom (o4) with a grilled chicken on it. He turns to his wooden chicken (若) and swears (诺) to protect it from anyone who wants to grill it.

Words with 季黎诺

季黎诺 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 季黎诺

季黎诺 currently does not appear in any sentence.