
Characters and words in 寫字樓

to write

= + : Marie Curie (xi) finds the sleepy black horse (与) sleeping during a party in the elevator (e3). As it is the custom, she writes (与) on the sleepy black horse's body with a white felt-tip pen. She also decorates his head with a cooking top (冖).
to write characters
letter / symbol / character / word / CL:個|个[ge4] / courtesy or style name traditionally given to males aged 20 in dynastic China

= + : Zorro got a new task from mission control: he is to have an egg standing on its tip. Zorro thinks smart and remembers the egg of Columbus, so he puts the egg in a graduation cap as egg cup and ditches one end of the egg with a huge printing letter. Unfortunately the egg wasn't boiled and there is no gravity, so he messes up the whole bathroom. Mission control can't stop laughing since all they wanted was to fool Zorro into this trick.
surname Lou

= + : In the outhouse's kitchen (ou2), Sir Lancelot (l) set up a Christmas tree (木) next to his lunar mansion (娄). Lancelot made himself a Christmas present by adding another floor on top of his lunar mansion. His lunar mansion now is a big, storied building (楼).
house with more than 1 story / storied building / floor / CL:層|层[ceng2],座[zuo4],棟|栋[dong4]

= + : In the outhouse's kitchen (ou2), Sir Lancelot (l) set up a Christmas tree (木) next to his lunar mansion (娄). Lancelot made himself a Christmas present by adding another floor on top of his lunar mansion. His lunar mansion now is a big, storied building (楼).

Words with 寫字樓

寫字樓 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 寫字樓

寫字樓 currently does not appear in any sentence.