
Characters and words in 屏幕保護程序

see 屏營|屏营[bing1 ying2]
to get rid of / to put aside / to reject / to keep control / to hold (one's breath)
(standing) screen

= + : The ghost (尸) is watching Pocahontas (pi) on a large screen (屏) in the engine's kitchen ((e)ng2). Because he is so amazed by Pocahontas he wants to amalgamate (并) with her body to form a new super being.
screen (TV, computer or movie)
curtain or screen / canopy or tent / headquarters of a general / act (of a play)

= + : Mozart (莫) just had a shower in the space station's bathroom (Ø4), and just wearing a towel (巾) he goes behind a screen (幕) to get dressed. He thinks it is a little weird that Malte Monkey (mu) is in the room at the same time, staring at him without blinking even once.
old variant of 幕[mu4] / curtain / screen
Bulgaria / Bulgarian / abbr. for 保加利亞|保加利亚[Bao3 jia1 li4 ya4]

= + : Mnemonic symbol: a safe

= + : In the aorta, the fool and Rosa Luxemburg unite their forces to protect the world and try to lock Beelzebub in a safe.
to defend / to protect / to keep / to guarantee / to ensure / civil administration unit in the baojia 保甲[bao3 jia3] system (old)

= + : Mnemonic symbol: a safe

= + : In the aorta, the fool and Rosa Luxemburg unite their forces to protect the world and try to lock Beelzebub in a safe.
to defend; to protect; to keep / to guarantee; to ensure / civil administration unit in the baojia 保甲[bao3 jia3] system (old)
to protect / to defend / to safeguard / protection / CL:種|种[zhong3]
to protect

= + : Helga Horse (hu) feels that she has to protect (护) the inhabitants of the space station. In the bathroom (Ø4) she equips herself with a wooden swinging door (户) as a shield and a toy claw (扌) as a weapon.
surname Cheng

= + : Charlie Chaplin (ch) has been pondering over a complicated formula (程) just inside stonehenge's entrance ((e)ng2) for a long time. The formula is given on a large presentation screen (呈). While pondering over the formula Charlie Chaplin is eating a bowl of cereals (禾).
rule / order / regulations / formula / journey / procedure / sequence

= + : Charlie Chaplin (ch) has been pondering over a complicated formula (程) just inside stonehenge's entrance ((e)ng2) for a long time. The formula is given on a large presentation screen (呈). While pondering over the formula Charlie Chaplin is eating a bowl of cereals (禾).
procedures / sequence / order / computer program
order / sequence / preface

= + 广 : Due to an emergency Xu Xian (xu) and Zai Yu (予) both have to leave the space station from the bathroom (Ø4) and parachute (广) back to earth. They just cannot decide on the sequence (序) of who's going first.

Words with 屏幕保護程序

屏幕保護程序 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 屏幕保護程序

屏幕保護程序 currently does not appear in any sentence.