
China Times (newspaper), abbr. for 中國時報|中国时报[Zhong1 guo2 Shi2 bao4]

Characters and words in 中时

China / Chinese / surname Zhong
within / among / in / middle / center / while (doing sth) / during / (dialect) OK / all right

= + : Mnemonic symbol: a dart board, because you always try to hit the center.

Julian Giant Squid (zhu-) is throwing dinosaur bones (丨) as darts on a dart board in front of the engine ((e)ng1). To make it a bit more difficult he's throwing mandarins (口) into the air as well and skewers them up right in the center (中 is a mandarin skewered on a dinosaur bone) in mid flight with the dinosaur bones. He's still able to consistently hit the center (中) of the dart board.
to hit (the mark) / to be hit by / to suffer / to win (a prize, a lottery)
old variant of 時|时[shi2]
surname Shi
o'clock / time / when / hour / season / period

= + : The sun asks Sherlock Holmes out for a coffee just inside the entrance of the space station. Looking at his pocket watch, Sherlock sees he has time, winks and "thumbs up".

= + : Mnemonic symbol: a giant pocket watch.

Words with 中时

to hit the target where it hurts (idiom); fig. to hit home / to hit the nail on the head (in an argument)
to hit home on the evils of the day (idiom); fig. to hit a current political target / to hit the nub of the matter

Sentences with 中时

中时 currently does not appear in any sentence.