
Bali (island in Indonesia)

Characters and words in 巴厘岛

Ba state during Zhou dynasty (in east of modern Sichuan) / abbr. for east Sichuan or Chongqing / surname Ba / abbr. for Palestine or Palestinian / abbr. for Pakistan
to long for / to wish / to cling to / to stick to / sth that sticks / close to / next to / spread open / informal abbr. for bus 巴士[ba1 shi4] / bar (unit of pressure) / nominalizing suffix on certain nouns, such as 尾巴[wei3 ba5], tail

= + : The snake found a sweet and sticky lollipop in front if the ashram. Just as she is about to lick it, Beelzebub turns it into a large dinosaur bone, laughing at the snake, the lollipop in his hands.
Bali (island province of Indonesia)
variant of 釐|厘[li2]

= + : Li Qingzhao (li) wants to hide her chocolate factory (厂) just inside the space station's entrance (Ø2) because she thinks it is ugly. Thus, around the factory she planted a sunflower (里) every other centimeter (厘).
Li (c. 2000 BC), sixth of the legendary Flame Emperors 炎帝[Yan2 di4] descended from Shennong 神農|神农[Shen2 nong2] Farmer God, also known as Ai 哀[Ai1]

= + : Li Qingzhao (li) wants to hide her chocolate factory (厂) just inside the space station's entrance (Ø2) because she thinks it is ugly. Thus, around the factory she planted a sunflower (里) every other centimeter (厘).
one hundredth / centi-

= + : Li Qingzhao (li) wants to hide her chocolate factory (厂) just inside the space station's entrance (Ø2) because she thinks it is ugly. Thus, around the factory she planted a sunflower (里) every other centimeter (厘).
variant of 島|岛[dao3]

= + : Don Quixote (d) is trapped on a remote island (岛) inside of the aortas (ao3). The only animal on the island is a black crow (乌), and Don Quixote is chasing it with a fork (山) round and round the island, trying to catch it.
island / CL:個|个[ge4],座[zuo4]

= + : Don Quixote (d) is trapped on a remote island (岛) inside of the aortas (ao3). The only animal on the island is a black crow (乌), and Don Quixote is chasing it with a fork (山) round and round the island, trying to catch it.

Words with 巴厘岛

巴厘岛 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 巴厘岛

巴厘岛 currently does not appear in any sentence.