
(medicine) sequelae / residual effects / (fig.) repercussions / aftermath

Characters and words in 後遺症

back / behind / rear / afterwards / after / later / post-

= + 𠮛 : Mnemonic symbol: Zenobia, Queen of Palmyra. Zenobia (后) and Hamlet (h) want to bake banana bread in the outhouse's bathroom (ou4), but they don't know how. Behind (后) a banana tree (⺁) they study a scroll (𠮛) on which the recipe is written.
to lose / to leave behind / to omit / to bequeath / sth lost / involuntary discharge (of urine etc)

= + : Sometimes, just inside the space station's entrance (Ø2), Maud Younger (y) woefully thinks of her lost (遗) treasure chest (贵). It was filled to the top with gladiator sandals (辶); but it was too heavy to bring to the space station, so she had to leave it behind.
(bound form) to leave behind
disease / illness

= + : The stick figure (正) is visiting James II of England (zh) in the engine's bathroom ((e)ng4) to have him investigate his colorful rash (疒). Unfortunately James II of England has to tell him that he has cancer (症).
abdominal tumor / bowel obstruction / (fig.) sticking point

Words with 後遺症

後遺症 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 後遺症

後遺症 currently does not appear in any sentence.