
silly / stupid

Characters and words in 愚蠢

to be stupid / to cheat or deceive / me or I (modest)

= + : 禺狨王 (禺) gives Yu the Great (yu) his heart (心) in the space station's kitchen (Ø2). Yu the Great is very moved and just as she is about to take it 禺狨王 snaps it away, exclaims that it is just an April Fools' (愚) joke and calls Yu the Great out on how dumb (愚) she is.
variant of 蠢[chun3] / stupid

= + : Chantal Chicken (chu) prepared her favorite spring rolls (春) in the encampment ((e)n3). There are at least two mosquito larvae (䖵) wiggling (蠢) clumsily (蠢) inside of the spring rolls.
stupid / sluggish / clumsy / to wiggle (of worms) / to move in a disorderly fashion

= + : Chantal Chicken (chu) prepared her favorite spring rolls (春) in the encampment ((e)n3). There are at least two mosquito larvae (䖵) wiggling (蠢) clumsily (蠢) inside of the spring rolls.

Words with 愚蠢

愚蠢 is not used as a component in another word.

Sentences with 愚蠢

愚蠢 currently does not appear in any sentence.